I worked for Tesoro Corporation (later Andeavor and Marathon) from 2000-2007, and then Pioneer Energy Services, where I have been since January 2008, handling the fixed assets systems on the financial side. During my time at Tesoro, I earned a masters in economics from UTSA in 2006.
After starting off in the spring semester of 2014 at my alma mater, I've been teaching economics during the evenings at Northwest Vista College (part of the Alamo Colleges District) since the fall of that year.
I am the lucky husband of a diligent, focused wife, to whom I've been married almost four years. My oldest daughter, the first assistant drum major in the Warrior band, is set to graduate Warren High School with honors in June. Her next oldest sister is a sophomore there, where she's on the varsity color guard squad.
She will be joined at Warren next year by her next youngest sister, who was recently recognized as the top 8th grade student at Jordan Middle School. And that is where the youngest of the bunch, currently a 5th grader at Raba Elementary, will matriculate next year to carry on the sibling legacy of academic excellence.
When I'm not hanging out with my wife and girls, or running them around to their various school-related activities or otherwise, I like to freelance write for various publications, most often RealClearMarkets, The American Spectator, Mises Institute/Wire and the San Antonio Express-News.
When I put my brain on total pause, I like to read, listen to heavy metal, watch the "Great British Baking Show" or play my bass guitar.